Innovazione e Ricerca

Canada e Italia, insieme nell’innovazione

Il 2022 segna il 75° anniversario delle Relazioni diplomatiche tra Canada e Italia e la 10a edizione dell’iniziativa dell’Ambasciata del Canada in Italia: il Premio Canada-Italia per l’Innovazione.

Il Premio, nato nel 2013, ha l’obiettivo di rafforzare i legami tra i nostri due paesi nei campi della Scienza, Tecnologia, Innovazione e Scienze Sociali. É rivolto a esperti, ricercatori, scienziati, startup, professionisti delle industrie creative e innovatori italiani interessati a sviluppare e approfondire le proprie ricerche con colleghi e omologhi canadesi.

L’appello alle candidature è concentrato su progetti e ricerche in ambiti prioritari per il Governo del Canada, così come per l’Italia, e l’Agenda 2030 dell’ONU per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile. Questi i settori prioritari identificati quest’anno:

  • Salute mentale
  • Gestione dei rifiuti di plastica
  • Energia pulita per contrastare i cambiamenti climatici
  • Tecnologia quantistica

Il premio consiste nel rimborso di spese sostenute per la realizzazione del progetto o di un viaggio in Canada, se consentito dalle regole anti-Covid in vigore, fino a un massimo di €3.000.

Il Premio, nelle scorse edizioni, ha riscosso un notevole successo. Sono state ricevute numerose domande, provenienti da tutta Italia e caratterizzate da un alto livello scientifico-accademico.

Questo è per il Canada motivo d’orgoglio e incentivo a impegnarsi ancora di più nello scambio tra i due paesi nei campi delle Scienze, delle Tecnologie, dell’Innovazione e delle Scienze Sociali al fine di incentivare lo sviluppo economico sostenibile e la prosperità delle nostre società.

Per partecipare, bisogna inviare una mail con la proposta del progetto a, mettendo come oggetto “Canada-Italy Innovation Award”.

La data di scadenza per presentare le domande è il 1° aprile 2022. I vincitori verranno resi noti il 16 maggio 2022. Tutte le informazioni e il bando per partecipare sono reperibili ai seguenti link:

Bando (in inglese e francese)

Modulo di domanda (in inglese e francese)

Post su Facebook

Riportiamo qui sotto la descrizione (in lingua inglese) dei settori prioritari identificati dal Premio Canada-Italia per l’Innovazione 2022.

  1. Priority 1: Mental Health Mental health is the state of our psychological and emotional well-being, and contributes significantly to our overall ability to thrive. Finding innovative ways to foster healthy lives and promote well-being at all ages is essential to sustainable development.Projects funded through the Award are meant to develop and/or amplify new or existing networks and relationships between Canada and Italy that will:
    1. help create a healthy and safe environment where we live, learn, work and play;
    2. build resilience and skills to help improve positive mental health; or
    3. prevent the onset of mental health problems.


    Priority 2: Plastic Waste

    Plastic pollution has become one of the greatest global challenges of our time. Action is needed to move towards a circular economy, keeping plastics in use as long as possible, maximizing their value, and reducing, reusing, repairing, remanufacturing, recycling, and composting plastics or recovering energy at their end of life.

    Projects funded through the Award are meant to develop and amplify new or existing networks and relationships between Canada and Italy that will:

    1. increase understanding of the impacts of plastics on wildlife, human health, and the environment;
    2. decrease the environmental footprint of plastics;
    3. support the responsible usage and sustainable management of plastics.


    Priority 3: Clean Energy to combat Climate Change

    As all countries work to urgently address the impact of climate change and foster a more sustainable future, there is a need to develop effective solutions that will enable an effective and efficient energy transition. To achieve our climate action goals, the world needs to put effort into renewable, affordable and clean energy.

    Projects funded through the Award are meant to develop and amplify new or existing networks and relationships between Canada and Italy that will:

    1. develop digital technologies for better integration of renewables into the grid;
    2. accelerate energy efficiency technologies for the built environment;
    3. discover new technologies for hydrogen production, storage and transport.


    Priority 4: Quantum Technology

    Quantum science presents considerable opportunities for new insights, discoveries, technological developments and applications that can enhance lives and livelihoods. As quantum technologies evolve, there is a need to maximize their benefits.

    Projects funded through the Award are meant to develop and amplify new or existing networks and relationships between Canada and Italy focussed on:

    1. quantum computing and simulation: Co-design of hardware and software to advance the state of the art in quantum computing and/or the development of computer science theory of quantum algorithms and architectures;
    2. privacy and security: Concepts, proofs and applications for secure quantum communication, including device-independent protocols quantum network/repeater protocols, and space-based hardware solutions;
    3. application-specific quantum sensor development: Device fabrication and characterization, e.g. for magnetometry, prospection, imaging, navigation, and biomedical applications, employing strategies such as the use of entanglement and error correction;
    4. foster greater participation and enhance conditions for women or gender diverse people to engage in the advanced technology and quantum science field.

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